We are looking for a postdoc to join the Mathematical Finance and Economics group at Umeå University, Sweden. The postdoc will be based within the Mathematical Institute and the interdisciplinary Icelab and will join the project “Real Options for Climate, Forestry and Fisheries”. The appointment is for a 100% research position for 2 years. The postdoc will join two other postdocs currently working within the Mathematical Finance and Economics group at Umeå University (led by Prof. Christian Ewald) as well as more than 15 postdocs currently hosted within Icelab, and therefore join a thriving and growing community of interdisciplinary researchers. Umeå has cold winters, which offer great opportunities for skiing, ice skating and many other winter sports, but it also offers warm summers with plenty of sunshine and long daylight.
If you are interested and meet the necessary requirements outlined in the advert below, please apply, indicating that your application is for Project A (Real Options). Any questions, please get in touch with Prof. Christian Ewald christian.ewald@umu.se.

Details to be found at the website:

Application deadline is 20 September 2024.