Two post-doc positions are open at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova.

The deadline is August 5th, 2024.

The call for application is at

The position is funded through the research project “MeCoGa – mean field control and games” of the University of Padova, principal investigator Alekos Cecchin.

 Requirements and project

We seek candidates with the aspiration to contribute to the research project “MeCoGa – mean field control and games” of the University of Padova.
Candidates must hold, or be about to obtain, a PhD in mathematics, applied mathematics, or a related field, and should possess a relevant record of publications.

Expertise in research related to mean field games or mean field control problems is preferable, but not mandatory. The project may also involve applications to financial and energy markets, including numerical studies. In general, candidates should have carried out research in probability, analysis, or financial mathematics.

The position holder is expected to undertake rigorous and innovative research, publish in high quality international journals, and contribute to the research activities of the Department. There are no teaching duties associated with the position.

The post-doc position is for a 18 months fixed-term contract, with a possible extension of six months.

Appointments are full-time and the salary is about 2k€ net per month.

The starting date of the contract is between September 2024 and February 2025.

About the group

The research will be conducted at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova within an interdisciplinary group composed of pure and applied mathematicians working on mean field games and mean field control.
Some details about the group can be found at