The applicant must offer outstanding scientific qualifications and corresponding publications in highly ranked international scientific journals.

The applicant’s field of research should cover areas of statistics and stochastic optimization; applications in business and economics will be considered as an additional asset. Openness to cooperations within the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, and beyond, is desired.

The applicant’s teaching is expected to contribute to the education of students in statistics and operations research including the doctoral program, as well as to the education of students from other programs that are offered by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics. In particular, willingness to offer introductory courses is expected.

Successful candidates should have the following qualifications:

– Doctoral degree/PhD and post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institution

– Habilitation (venia docendi) in a subject field relevant to this position or an internationally accepted equivalent qualification is desirable

– Outstanding achievements in research, excellent publication record, international reputation

– Experience in designing, procuring and managing large research projects, as well as the willingness and ability to lead research groups

– Enthusiasm for excellent teaching, teaching experience at universities as well as the ability and willingness to teach students in all phases of their studies (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral level), to supervise academic theses and to promoting young academic colleagues

The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for participation in university committees. In addition, the University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to be prepared to take over responsibility on the organisational level of the Faculty and the University, if necessary.

The application deadline is 30 September 2018.

For full details (English/German), see: