The Institute of Probability and Statistics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics invites applications for a University Professorship (Salary Scale W3 NBesO) in Probability and Statistics starting October 1st, 2019.
Applicants should be internationally recognized scientists in Mathematical Statistics or Applied Probability.
The institute intends to establish a research group that strengthens joint research activities with Applied Mathematics as well as with other fields, e.g. Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Geodesy, or Economics. The group should also cooperate with the interdisciplinary House of Insurance. Candidates should have demonstrated experience with interdisciplinary research projects and external grant applications.
Teaching includes courses for students in our mathematical programmes and our teacher training programme as well as mathematical courses for students in other programmes of study.
General responsibilities and conditions of appointment apply, in accordance with the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz – NHG). Part-time employment can be arranged upon request. As an equal opportunities employer, Leibniz University Hannover has set itself the strategic aim of significantly increasing the proportion of women. Female scientists are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from abroad are especially welcome. Preference will be given to equally qualified candidates with disabilities. In its mission statement, Leibniz University Hannover attaches great importance to the international orientation of teaching and research. At the same time, it places significant value on the intensive guidance and support of its students and on the university’s close ties to the region and to Lower Saxony. Its professors are thus expected to be based in the Hannover Region. Successful candidates who have reached the age of fifty by the time of appointment and who do not already have civil servant status will generally be given an employment contract.
Further information is available from Professor Dr. Marc Steinbach, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Email:
Please submit your full application with the usual documents only through the central application site of Leibniz University Hannover by 15th December 2018:
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Dekan der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Professor Dr. Roger Bielawski, Appelstraße 11A, 30167 Hannover
Information on the collection of personal data according to article 13 GDPR can be found at
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