A notice has been published for Additional Positions to Research Doctorates, XXXVII cycle – PON Resources R&I 2014-2020, within the doctorate Analytics for Economics and Management – AEM, at the University of Brescia.

All information can be found on the website: https://www.unibs.it/en/university/work-us/calls-and-notices/call-phd-additional-posts-benefitting-pon-scholarships-ri-2014-2020-xxxvii-cycle-ay-20212022

Three scholarships are available on the following topics:

  1. Climate changes, Energy policies and individual decisions.
  2. Energy communities, heterogeneity of agents and green transition.
  3. Circular economy, shared value and impact on the territory of green
    investment projects.

The deadline for submitting applications is November 3, 2021, 2.00 pm.