The Institute for Analysis and Computational Number Theory at Graz University of Technology offers a position for a Ph.D. student for 3 years (with possible extension to a 4th year) with a gross salary of 27900 per year, funded by FWF SFB Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications,, supervised by Prof. Robert Tichy.
We are looking for a talented and motivated Ph.D. candidate to carry out a research project in financial/insurance mathematics with an emphasis on applications of Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in this field.This position requires an excellent MSc degree in Mathematics, sound knowledge of probability theory and a background in mathematical finance/insurance mathematics.
Interested candidates are invited to submit applications (in English or German) containing cover letter, cv, copies of relevant certificates, as well as name and contact details of an academic referee by email as one single pdf. Applications received before September 15, 2015 will be fully considered; the hiring procedure continues until the position is filled.
For further questions please contact