A research engineer position funded by the Natixis Foundation is to be filled at the start of the next academic year (2021-22) at the Parisian laboratory LPSM, team financial mathematics and numerical probabilities, for a period of two years.
Missions: Research assistance on machine learning problems in finance
Profile: Young doctor in data science and / or quantitative finance.
Location: LPSM, Jussieu and / or Sophie Germain sites, to be specified.
Remuneration: according to experience on the basis of an annual charged cost of 60k euros, or about 2500 euros net per month.
For more details and applications, please contact Stéphane Crépey crepey@lpsm.paris, Gilles Pagès pages@lpsm.paris, Huyen Pham pham@lpsm.paris
Application deadline: until completion of the position up to October 1, 2021.
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