Columbia Engineering invites applications for two tenure-track/tenured faculty positions in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. One position is for a junior candidate with research interests in financial engineering and related technologies, at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor without tenure. The second position is open rank, and open to exceptional applicants in all research areas and at all levels of seniority. Applicants at the ranks of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor without tenure must have the potential to do pioneering research and to teach effectively. In addition, applicants at the tenured level (Associate or Full Professor) must have a demonstrated record of outstanding research accomplishments, excellent teaching credentials, and established leadership in the field. Appointments will be made at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor, depending on the qualifications of the applicant.

Details can be found at the website:

All applications received by October 31, 2022 will receive full consideration. Inquiries should be directed to