Post-doc research grant at the Department of Economics (DISEI) of the University of Florence.

The grant is financed by the NGEU-NRRP through the Extended Partnership PE-3 RETURN (Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities under a Changing Climate). A PhD degree is required for the position.

Subject: Model uncertainty in financial, energy, climate, and natural risks assessment

Description: The research activity will consider how selecting a descriptive-statistical model may impact on the analysis and assessment of different types of risks and on the derived mitigation policies. The range of possible applications is wide, in line with the interdisciplinary character of the PE-3.

Duration: 24 months

Start date: November 2023

Salary (annual, gross): 26750 Euro
There is also a “mobility allowance” of 5670 Euro (annual, gross) in case the grant holder is officially resident outside Italy.

Application deadline: 03/08/2023

Online interviews: 05/09/2023

Link to the call:

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