The 9th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society will take place in New York, United States from 15-19 July 2016. The congress is jointly organised by Columbia University, Princeton University and The University of Maryland.
The website is now open for registration, for submission of papers, and for submission of resumes for interviews.
The World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society is the premier event in the international quantitative and mathematical finance calendar, attracting hundreds of participants every two years.
We hope to welcome many of you there.
We are proud to announce the following list of confirmed plenary speakers: Robert Almgren, Pauline Barrieu, Erhan Bayraktar, Paolo Guasoni, Takaki Hayashi, Vicky Henderson, Vadim Linetsky, Andrew Lo, Jin Ma, Huyen Pham, Jean-Charles Rochet, Mathieu Rosenbaum, Alexander Schied, Wim Schoutens.
Abstract submission is open now!
Papers and abstracts are invited from all interested parties. Please not that the abstract should not exceed 150 words.
Those wishing to submit papers and abstracts prior to registration should do so by email to
The deadline to submit an abstract is 31 January 2016.
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by 31 March 2016.
Participants can register online via this link. Early registration is encouraged, and simultaneous to registration hotel reservations are recommended, since hotel rooms in New York can be scarce during July. Accommodation can easily be booked at a substantially reduced rate through the website as well. We note that participants are responsible for their own hotel bookings and travel arrangements.
The deadline for early bird registration is 1 April 2016.
More information is available on the conference website
The 9th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society will be held at the Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan, 1605 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, situated in the heart of the city center, easily accessible by public transport and within close distance of many of the city’s attractions.
Our Sponsors
Organizing Committee
Rene Carmona, Peter Carr, Dilip Madan, Philip Protter
Scientific Committee
Carol Alexander, Francesca Biagini, Rene Carmona (Chair), Jaksa Cvitanic, Ernst Eberlein, Paul Embrechts, Xin Guo, David Hobson, Philip Protter, Xun Yu Zhou
Local Organizing Committee
Patrick Cheridito, Jim Gatheral, Olympia Hadjilidias, Ali Hirsa, Petter Kolm, Tim Leung, Lars Tyge Nielsen, Marcel Nutz, Mykhalyo Shkolnikov, Sasha Stoikov