We are seeking highly motivated scientists to join the Computational Statistics (CST) group at HITS as PostDocs as soon as possible. Successful candidates will work with group leader Tilmann Gneiting on the ScienceFore project, which is funded by the European Research Council via its Advanced Grant scheme. The project involves the probabilistic foundations of the science of forecasting, along with the development of original statistical methodology, and applications in meteorology and economics. Appointments will cease in February 2018 with the close of the ScienceFore project, or earlier.
HITS gGmbH is a private non-profit research institute carrying out multidisciplinary research in the computational sciences. It receives its base funding from the HITS-Stiftung. The research of the Computational Statistics group is rooted in mathematical statistics, yet driven by applications, and interdisciplinary in character.
Candidates for these positions should possess a PhD degree in a relevant discipline, including but not limited to mathematics, statistics, meteorology, hydrology, or econometrics, have prior research experience in the general area of probabilistic forecasting, as documented by peer-reviewed publications in leading international journals, and have a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Applications ought to include (a) a cover letter with the names and contact information of at least two referees, (b) up to three reprints of key publications, and (c) the candidate’s PhD thesis. All documents should be provided in PDF format.
To apply, please enter the link at http://www.h-its.org/jobs-de/postdoc-positionen-in-der-computational-statistics-group-cst/
Applications need to be submitted by October 23, 2016. Please understand that applications not submitted via the online system can not be considered.
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